Feature Testimonials

Testimonials from some of the people who have been featured in West Georgia Woman Magazine​​

Angela & Shala:
I just wanted to thank you both so very much for the article you published in the West Georgia Woman Magazine for the March 2016 issue about Christ’s Closet.

It has reached so many. I have received nine phone calls from women who have been a victim of domestic violence or are still living in it. Most said that only a few even knew their story – but they were able to confide in me. It was good for them just to have an ear to listen. Dana Weeks with WDJY 99.1 FM radio station contacted me and did an interview for a 24 minute segment about domestic violence and Christ’s Closet to be aired on their talk radio show.

I was contacted by a women’s sewing group and they want to make dresses, shorts and hats for the children that come through Christ’s Closet. They even donated 100 dresses and 100 pair of shorts to go to Haiti.

I sent a copy of the magazine to the director of DATIA (the insurance program that I manage out of Washington DC) – and after reading the article – she was inspired to start up a clothing ministry in her community.

I have received many phone calls and emails from people wanting to donate and from people that need assistance. One was even a house fire loss. The total impact of this article will never be known to us – but just from the response that has come back to me will impact thousands of lives. As I hear more I will definitely keep you posted. Once again, thank you so very much!
Paula Layton
March 2016 Cover
I wanted to thank you for writing such a nice article about TeleSlim. I have already gotten a lot of positive responses just from my shared Facebook post of the article. It’s been a nice start to an exciting month with your magazine.
Dr. Anna Harris
Owner of TeleSlim Fitness App - March 2016 Celebrate Her Success
Thank you for featuring Hair Emporium in the April 2016 issue of West Georgia Woman. You did an amazing job! I’ve had so many people tell me that they really enjoyed reading it, people that I’ve never even met before. I have obtained quite a few new clients from your article and I just wanted to thank you. I obviously love this magazine and I look forward to it every month! It’s so refreshing to see familiar faces and to hear about real life stories from people that live in our area!
Christy Johnson
Owner of Hair Emporium - April 2016
So a really cool thing happened tonight. As I was exiting the go cart ramp in Panama City Beach and headed to our car, I hear someone yelling my name. I look around but do not see anyone I know. Then I see a man in a truck with his family waving to me so I walk toward them. He introduces himself and his family and says “look honey (to his wife) that’s the yoga lady! I saw you in that magazine back in Georgia!” You never know who’s watching lol thanks to Angela Brooks Dailey for helping to spread the word about Renew Yoga.
July Cosper Nicholas
Renew Yoga - May 2016
Here are the responses that I have received from the featured story in West Georgia Woman Magazine.

I have received 2 jobs – one for residential cleaning and one for home care!

I have been called famous, a celebrity, a star, people are saying wonderful article, great magazine, they are proud of me, much needed services.

I wanted to give you an update. I am now being asked to speak at different churches to tell my story! I have spoken at Kings Chapel congregation and will speak at another church event in August! This is so wonderful! Eva Barber said she read my story in the magazine 4 times and was moved to call me! Wow!

Here is another response from the magazine: I have a new temporary client referred from West Georgia Internal Medicine – Dr. Berard’s Office. My client needed someone to care for her parents for 4 days while she goes out of town. She mentioned this to the receptionist and she showed her the magazine article and the receptionist said she would trust me with her parents!
Jwyanda Norman
May 2016 Celebrate Her Success - Owner of Need It Most Home Care
Angela, I had an overwhelming response to being in your magazine! I heard from high school, college, sorority, professional work place colleagues and many other friends and neighbors. Because you mentioned my playing music in so many venues, I also picked up some new music engagements! I was also chosen to be Grand Marshall in the July 4th parade and I know it was because of the magazine article! I continue to get so much positive feedback from being on the cover. I’ve never had such complimentary advertising and feedback! Many many thanks for choosing me to be on your cover!
Karen Vance
April 2016 Cover
Thank you again for choosing me and telling my story in West Georgia Woman Magazine. It has truly been a blessing. I have had a huge response to my story being told in West Georgia Woman. I have had one radio interview and two more on my calendar. People I don’t even know have come up to me said what a story of encouragement. Several people said they were in the doctor’s office and read West Georgia Woman. They said the other stories was great. I will always be grateful to you for this magazine. I pray that you will continue to tell other stories of amazing women that have made a difference in their community. The sacrifices that they have made for others.
Rosie Holley
June 2016 Cover
I have never received as much response from any form of media I have been featured in as I have in West Georgia Woman magazine. I still continue to receive phone calls and emails from people who have read my story. You are doing a wonderful job! Keep doing what you are doing!
Ellen Wynn McBrayer
December 2015 Cover
You do such a wonderful job distributing your magazine. I cannot believe all of the response I have gotten from being featured. I have had so many people contact me from doctors, lawyers, acquaintances and friends from reading my story in your magazine. Thank you. (First email from Dot in January 2017) Angela, Hardly a day goes by that someone does not mention to me that they had seen the article about me in your magazine. The people that advertise with you must know how hard you work and how many people read your magazine. Thanks again. (Sent May 29, 2017)
Dot Padgett
January 2017 Cover
Good Evening, I have had multiple people message me saying how they saw me on the cover of your magazine in a doctors office, store, chiropractic office etc…Unbelievable how many texts I have received…My daughter and I were in a restaurant the other night and the manager comped our meal…I was on my cell and I saw my daughters puzzled look and I got off the phone and said whats up…She said that the bill had been taken care of…I called our server over and asked and he said no ma’am…your bill has been taken care of…Then the manager said…we just want to thank you for what you are doing…Wasn’t that sweet…She had seen the magazine and recognized me…and the server asked my daughter when I was on the phone if that was me…and she said yes…So incredibly wonderful…

Angela, Hardly a day goes by that someone does not mention to me that they had seen the article about me in your magazine. The people that advertise with you must know how hard you work and how many people read your magazine. Thanks again. (Sent May 29, 2017)
Lisa Pangborn Williams
March 2017 Cover
Angela, I am amazed at how you created such a wonderful article. Thank you. Great article. I have received one call so far and turned it into a client. Thank you. (Publisher’s note: This email was sent on May 4, 2017 only 4 days after publish date.)

Angela, as a result of the article in the May publication, I have received several calls. Some of which I have been able to convert to clients. I recently sat down with an individual in Haralson county who wanted me to do a training for her club. This was a result from reading my article in the magazine. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to showcase my business. I have met individuals in the grocery store who would comment on seeing me/articles in the magazine. People are reading. Thought I would provide you an update. (July 2017)
Cheryl Francis
Owner of Heart Matters Wellness Center - May 2017 Celebrate Her Success
We just wanted to thank you and your staff that did such a beautiful article about Sandra. We appreciate it all so much. We are so proud to have Sandra on our team and are delighted her works were highlighted. Thank you all again!

Angela, I have received so many comments, phone calls and so much response from this article. We have had so many people call Wrapped in Angel’s Wings to donate their dresses. I walk into a business now and people I don’t even know will say, “Hi Sandra!” just from reading about me in the magazine. I even had someone call me who makes commercial cabinets and he is making me a shadow box to display some of the baby clothes I’ve made with my article. I even received a new alteration client from the article as well. Thank you so much.

Follow up testimonial sent in May 2017

To say our hearts are overflowing would be an understatement. We are so amazed at how many people have contacted us to say they saw the article in The West Georgia Woman magazine. Sandra has heard from people who aren’t in the West Georgia area that they saw her in the magazine. Not only have we received positive feedback, calls of people interested in finding out more about our group as well as donating gowns, but our featured seamstress (Sandra Wilburn) has also received calls asking if she is available to do alteration projects. Having one of our seamstresses featured and information about our group has been a wonderful blessing for our group. We can’t say thank you enough for the wonderful article that was written, as well as the beautiful pictures and the flawlessness that it was presented.

Follow up testimonial from Sandra Wilburn in March 2018.

I still receive so many comments from people who have read my story in your magazine. I received a phone call the other day from a woman who’s son was sent to the hospital because of heart issues. As she was there with him, she saw the magazine I was featured in with the words “Stitching Broken Hearts,” on the cover. She told me when she saw the magazine, she knew everything was going to be O.K.
Sandra Wilburn
April 2017 Cover
Dear Angela, Who accomplishes a lot! Thank you for the issues of West Georgia Woman and your including me in your second year celebration! You did it well.

I’ve had calls from Bremen, Tallapoosa, Carrollton re the November issue. Tickles me.
Ruth Wilvert
April 2017 Cover - November 2017 Cover and oldest woman covered to date at 96 years old
I wanted to check in with you and thank you for writing the amazing article about my Shelby and publishing it in the November issue of West Georgia Woman Magazine.

The impact that it has made has been massive, and not only am I grateful, but I am extremely humbled by the outpouring of support from the community you serve.

As you are probably aware, we received the entire amount necessary to provide Shelby with a Diabetic Alert Dog and that is largely in part because of your article (Publisher’s note: Shelby and her family were at a standstill for several months after raising $7,200 for Shelby’s $15,000 diabetic alert dog. Within 40 days of publishing Shelby’s article in West Georgia Woman with a “How you can help” sidebar, Shelby and her family received over $8,000 in donations. The magazine published Nov. 1, 2017 and she received all of the funds necessary to purchase the dog by Dec. 10, 2017. Shelby is still receiving donations from the article months after the article published.) We received donations, cards, well wishes and prayers from all over the West Georgia and East Alabama area, proving not only how far your reach is, but also showing how loving and compassionate our community is. We are still receiving donations and letters of support even months after the article has been published, and these additional funds will go to vet support and supplies for the dog.

There truly are not words that express the gratitude to you and West Georgia Woman’s Magazine for supporting Shelby, and for helping her achieve her goals of having a diabetic alert dog. I am truly overwhelmed at the tremendous response received and extremely grateful for spotlighting Shelby.
Shelby Daniel
November 2017 She’s Got Game Student Athlete from Bremen High School – 15 years old
I can’t walk in anywhere without someone saying ‘Hey, that’s you! You’re on that book!’ I was so surprised that so many people read your magazine. Everyone I meet has told me they have read about me in the magazine. I didn’t think anyone would want to read about me and my story. I met so many people who said they were going to find my program and listen to it on the radio. Thank you.
Ora Bell Clark
January 2018 Cover
Oh my goodness … I have had so many phone calls, emails and texts already. Wow! The number of people that are your followers … It’s just so exciting.
Michelle Morgan
February 2018 Cover