The Carroll Symphony Orchestra will present itsMasterworks Concert, February 13, at the Carroll County Schools Performing Arts Center, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
“The orchestra and I are really excited to share this program,” said Conductor and Music Director Terry Lowry. “We will play some of the most beautiful, romantic pieces in our repertoire at the wonderful new Carroll County Performing Arts Center. I can’t think of a more beautiful Valentine’s date.”

The concert will include performances of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7, Peter Mennin’s Folk Overture and the winning compositions from the 2020 CSO Young Composer Competition. In addition to conducting, Lowry will perform Debussy’s Clair de Lune with the orchestra.
Seating will be limited to allow for safe distancing and masks will be required. Temperatures will be checked prior to admittance.
Tickets are $18 for adults and $10 for youth (12 & under) and can be purchased online at https://cprcad.myboxoffice.us/, by phone at (770) 838-1083 or at the Carrollton Center for the Arts box office at 251 Alabama Street in Carrollton.
What: CSO Masterworks Concert
When: February 13, 2021, 7:30 p.m.
Where: Carroll County Schools Performing Arts Center
For questions concerning this performance or the Carrollton Center for the Arts, please call Tim Chapman, Arts Superintendent at (770) 838-1083.