Lavender Honey Lemonade

Photo by Zachary Dailey, Dailey Life Photography
Servings: 4


2 cups water
3/4 cup local honey
2 teaspoon dried culinary (non-chemically treated) lavender flowers
1 cup fresh lemon juice (about 4 large lemons)
3 cups cold water


Heat 2 cups of water and 3/4 cup of honey over medium-heat until mixture simmers, about 10 minutes.
Add lavender flowers and simmer for 2 to 3 more minutes.
Strain mixture through fine mesh strainer to remove lavender and discard flowers.
Chill in refrigerator for 1 hour.
Add lemon juice and cold water to honey mixture.
Serve over ice.

“Substitute the cold water with cold sparkling water for a refreshing and bubbly treat.” Chef Rose

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