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Five Most Common Relationship Problems Solved!

Ask any couple what they argue about most, and you will most likely hear the same topics over and over again. Money, household chores, work ...
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Food That’s Good for Your Heart

Nearly 48 million women in the U.S. are either living with heart disease or are at risk, according to WomenHeart, a national coalition for women ...
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Mental Well-being

Learning to Love Yourself

By Cheryl Francis We are approaching the day when everyone wonders if they matter enough to be someone’s Valentine. Some people may be asked out ...
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The Art of Being Kind to One Another

At the beginning of a relationship, there is usually moonlight and roses, romantic dinners by candlelight and lots of love and laughter. Doing nice things ...
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Health and Beauty

Uniquely You

Creative resolutions for the New Year The new year is here, and you have probably been pondering on some things you would like to change ...
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Health and Beauty

New Year, Same You … Only Better!

With the New Year here, you’ve probably heard the phrase “New Year, New Me!” several times. Most people desire to make monumental changes in their ...
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Mental Well-being

The Elements of Self-Care

6 Things You Should Be Doing Every Day By Lisa King Self-care is a term that is thrown about freely, but few understand what it ...
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Health and Beauty

See Ya Later, Alligator!

Say goodbye to dry, itchy wintertime skin. Is your dry, itchy skin driving you crazy? Does it feel as if you can’t stop scratching no matter ...
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Dealing with the Holidays After Divorce

By Shala Hainer Thinking of the holidays brings memories of time with family, warm conversations by the fire and laughter with those you love. Even ...
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