Daniel Jackson Announces Retirement

Daniel Jackson received the GACCE Legacy award July 9 at the 2020 GACCE Executive Leadership Conference

Daniel Jackson, president and CEO of Carroll Tomorrow and the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, has announced that he will retire at the end of March.

Jackson joined Carroll Tomorrow and the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce in August 2001.

“There is a time for all things,” said Jackson, citing scripture. “After carefully considering all options over the holidays, I’ve decided that now is a good time to retire.”

Jackson intends to spend more time with his family, traveling, volunteering and fulfilling other lifelong goals.

“I am confident that this is the right decision at the right time,” he said.
Loy Howard, co-founder and chair for Carroll Tomorrow, celebrated Jackson’s achievements.

“Throughout his tenure, Daniel has put the people and economy of Carroll County first,” said Howard. “Through the recession, times of economic expansion and the ongoing pandemic, he has worked tirelessly to create career opportunities and expand business and industry throughout our region.”

Jackson and his wife, Carol, have lived in Carroll County for almost 50 years, raising their children Russ and Katie. A small business owner at heart, Jackson was a previous partner in The Squire Shop, one of the county’s apparel mainstays. He’s also worked with electric cooperative Carroll EMC.

The Jacksons intend to reside in Carroll County after his retirement.

“Carroll County has a history of talented, committed people who’ve invested their lives to make Carroll a better place for all,” Jackson said. “Throughout my years in Carroll County, I’ve been blessed to work with outstanding individuals. While I can never properly share my appreciation, I will treasure every friendship and memory.”

Some of the county’s largest employers have located to the region on Jackson’s watch, creating opportunities for hosts of area residents to improve their lives and the lives of their loved ones. He also helped with the launch of the innovative Burson Center, one of the state’s first small-business incubators.

“Our future is as bright as our history,” Jackson said. “I’m confident that our leadership will serve us well.”

Jackson also said that he’s grateful to the region’s residents for making this a great place to live, learn and grow.

“It’s been a great run,” he said. “It’s been my privilege to represent you and work with you. I pray for our community, and that the year to come will be full of hope, encouragement, joy and success.”

Howard said the region owes Jackson a huge debt of gratitude.

“Daniel has understood Carroll County in a unique way,” he said. “Millions of dollars in capital investments and thousands of jobs have been created under his watch. Also, under his leadership we’ve seen advances in workforce development and innovative programs to start and grow small business. His impact on the economic development and quality of life of our community are immeasurable. I’m grateful for his leadership, his professionalism, and his commitment to making this a great place to live.”

More on Carroll Tomorrow and the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce can be found at carroll-ga.org and CarrollTomorrow.org.

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